This family was a trip! Jack LOVED my flash. He "helped" me take his parents pictures, which was a big help! They are a beautiful family, making my job easier!
It seems hard to believe that it has been a year since I went to Savannah. This time we added a few more sessions to the mix and I LOVED it!!! I love this family...they are hilarious! NO SARCASM right Julie?!
These boys are the most well behaved little boys ever. AND they are going to have a 4th little boy join them before we know it! I hope you enjoy these Liz!
I have known Theresa for um...can I say it? 25+ years. I used to babysit Jacob...(he's now 17). Who does that make feel old??...ME! They have been missionaries to Romania for years now and chose me to photograph them while they were home for a few months. I was honored.
Little Emma loves me...lets just face it...I think she would go home with me lol. I do indeed love her too! I have photographed her 4 times and have watched her grow up to be the sweetest little girl ever! The above picture was one of the little boy's that was at her party. I knew I could make him smile!