Oh what a fun session. I found this new location that was awesome for a young spunky girl. Sarabeth is such a little "poser"...lol. Hope you guys like them!
I love tu-tu's!!! These girls were too cute and what a beautiful, cool morning it was! Did I mention that toddlers and babies are my most favorite thing to photograph!
Bellies, bellies and more bellies....can only mean one thing....there will be babies, babies, and more babies in the next month. Heather is Danielle's sister who I photographed 2 weeks ago. They are due one month apart except for Heather who is having twin girls! I have a feeling these two sisters will have these 3 babies very close together! I feel sorry for their mama! Bless her heart...I couldn't imagine having 2 babies inside of me! She was a trooper though, walking around these abandoned mill houses! Love you guys!