Roy and Michelle are married! This was such a sweet wedding. The excitement of having their first kiss at the altar as they have just become man and wife was so evident. I hope you guys are having a blast on the honeymoon!
This is only the 2nd McDaniel girl to be born and boy is she a sweetie! She is the only newborn I have ever seen to be more content laying flat on her back in the middle of the bed rather than being held. She was the easiest going baby I have ever seen. She was so, so little! 5lbs 14ozs and only 18 and a half inches long. I got my baby fix this weekend for sure!
I love this kid! He is so much fun! I think my camera had its fill of McDaniel's this past weekend....JUST KIDDING!!! I love you guys! Hope you like em!
Little Bryson is such a little butterball! He is such a little cutie and such a wonderful cuddle buddy. I was holding him before I took his pictures and he fell right I guess I have that kind of magic...or just that boring! Ha!