I have known this lady since kindergarten, I think, and my husband has known her husband forever too. It started out VERY cold this morning but then after the walk, the better the crisp air felt. I hope you enjoy these Nicole.
I finally photographed the owners of my "portrait studio" as I call it. I love using their land to do my sessions because it is absolutely beautiful! These are mine and my husband's dearest friends/family. I hope you like these few so far Trina!
This first picture was all Miss Thang's idea....hehe. Adelyn sure did have it in her head how this session was going to go and I must admit, some of her ideas were great! I hope you enjoy this sneak of the pictures!
I love photographing this family. They are so much fun. JM was a little apprehensive about the cows that came up to us while I was trying to get Bryson to look at me....lol. Bryson finally gave me a smile...such a cute little baby!
So on Saturday, one of my dearest friends brought her son to me to take his Senior Portraits. He was miserable the whole time.....hehe. I hope you like this peek Denise (I hope these turned out better than the others).....Love you!