Here is little Joanna...she thinks she is big....but I wish I was her size when I was 33 weeks! Here is a sneak peek to LOTS more to come.....hope you enjoy them!!!
My little step-sister Chelsea is graduating this year. We went all over the place....some were a little dangerous but fun! Thank goodness the rain stopped and the sun came out! Your mom trusted me remember Chels?! Lol
There have been so many babies here lately and they are girls, girls, girls! This little ball of sweetness is 6 days old and has a lot to look forward to with two big brothers in the house. Erin and I go way back...and I mean WAY! I am just happy to be able to give her the gift of pictures for her precious new addition....
Big Brother's kisses are the best!
This chair below was Erin's when she was a little girl...
It is hard to believe this little baby girl is a month old already. She slept through the majority of the session today and we also got lucky and got a few outside shots while it was thundering and before it started raining. I was digging the lighting. Even though she is a month old she is still so teeny tiny!